Weight: 118
Belly: 31"
Next appointment: February 13
Since the last time I posted I had three visits to the doctor, gained five pounds, and popped my belly (I guess the belly popped out of me!). There has been other things going on but apparently non-pregnancy world doesn't seem to interest me anymore.
Let's talk about three visits to the doctor.
Visit #1 - January 14. This was just a blood draw for my genetic screening. The doctor's office was on Lake Shore Drive and the parking rates are just ferocious. But because their last draw is at 4:30, I had no choice but to drive there. I barely made it there on time. The nice receptionist was going to do the blood draw and she completely missed my vein. It hurt so much and she wasn't even getting any blood. Then the other receptionist came. She finished so fast I didn't even know she had the needle in my arm. It was the least painful blood draw I have ever had. I walked back to the parking garage 10 minutes after I showed up. They still charged me $9. Grrrrr.
Visit #2 - January 21. This was the follow-up to the blood draw. The doc had reviewed my blood results and I also had another ultrasound which is where we saw this:

I was surprised at how nervous I was before the ultrasound. I couldn't sit still. I thought I would be okay no matter what they would say but that is when I realized that if something was wrong with my baby, I would probably be very upset. I know you are saying a collective "duh" but I really did think that it wouldn't matter to me. I have another round of testing to do to rule out neural tube defects (like spina bifida) in a few weeks. I guess I have plenty of time to work myself into a tizzy until then. The good news is that for now, the doc thinks that Q is perfectly healthy.
Visit #3 - January 23. Just a regular check-up with my OB. For the first time ever, she saw me within a half-hour of my appointment time and I was out of there within an hour. She answered some questions, did another ultrasound, and sent me on my way. It was great.
Gaining five pounds - that has come from being able to keep food down again. I have mastered the foods I just can't smell or eat (sadly, chocolate chip cookies are one of those things) and I think the nausea is finally starting to go away. That was not before one last weekend of hell. Last Thursday (yes, the day it was all supposed to magically disappear), I actually had to call in sick to work because I was so puk-tastic, dizzy and with a throbbing headache to top it all. Normally, if I called in with those symptoms, one would just assume I was hungover. In fact, that is exactly what it felt like - the worst hangover ever but without any of the fun. I spent the entire day in bed wondering what I had done to deserve this. Friday was (slightly) better but I couldn't afford two days away from my little guys so I went back.
The good news is I really am feeling much better. The nausea is designated for just the morning and is usually resolved by the time I am teaching my first class. I have an enormous appetite for just about everything so I am enjoying eating it ALL. I am also not feeling as grouchy as I have been which is good news for one RC. The one thing that I still can't shake is this exhaustion. It is kicking my booty and I am too tired to fight back. I am ready to sleep by 8 pm every night. I am teaching my ACT prep class on Tuesday evenings again so that probably isn't helping matters much. But I got two weeks down, eight more to go!
And last, my pants don't fit anymore! This weekend after a traumatic Saturday night trying to squeeze into clothes that just weren't working anymore, I gave in and went shopping for maternity clothes on Sunday. My friend who is a mom twice over took me to Motherhood and Gap. Both had good selections in the clearance sections and other than the trousers that I bought, everything was under $15. I also got some belly bands to use with my regular pants. What an awesome invention! It is stretchy cami material that pulls over unbuttoned/unzipped regular pants. And it looks like you're just fashionably layered. Brillant! Though today, I just used a safety pin to keep my pants up and that worked too but hey you gotta' have choices! My problem is that every morning I look longingly at my yoga pants and wish my high school was a little more lax about the teacher dress code. O well. That is what the weekends are for I guess.
But I guess the bump is here and not going anywhere. That being said, please don't ask to see it or touch it. When it is visible you may oogle but until then, I am not going to flash my expanding waistline. My mother and sister keep touching it as though rubbing it will make it grow faster. I don't understand the fascination. I also don't understand what would make anyone think that it is okay to touch someone else's stomach in public - especially without permission! I have always been a weirdo about personal space and I think this experience is going to test my limits.
Your thoughts on this?