
Waiting for January 17

Week: 11
Weight: 112 (lost 3 lbs)
Belly: no change
Next appointment: tomorrow! (blood draw for genetic screening)

I know there is no magic number for when the morning sickness goes away. Most people see some relief between weeks 12 and 16. I recently talked to a friend whose sis-in-law is three weeks ahead of me and she hasn't been sick once! This just makes me so jealous as I am totally done with feeling this sick all the time. I am truly making cuisi- into an art. My week 12 starts on Thursday and that is the day that I have mentally assigned to when I am forcing myself to not give into this anymore. What happens if I don't? I am not sure but I am pretty sure nobody wants to be around on Friday if I'm not feeling better.

Generally my food has been staying where it is supposed to, but the feeling that it isn't going to stay that way makes life very uncomfortable. My friend who was pregnant last year swears that the way to get over morning (ALL DAY) sickness is by working out. Seeing as how my energy level is usually only enough to get me through teaching four of my five classes, I am not sure the gym is in the cards for me right now. I have looked into some prenatal yoga but again 1st trimester laziness sets in once I get home. One of the other frustrating parts about this sickness thing is that I have no appetite for much of anything these days. I can't eat anything with tomatoes as that will result in serious reflux and even RC's and Amma's Indian cooking haven't been much of a comfort these days. On Friday night, I got sick after eating chocolate chip cookies!! The only thing that I love to eat pretty much all the time is fruit: the tarter, the better. Favorites so far include Granny Smith apples, raspberries and cataloupe (because they're so juicy). But even that you get sick of after a while.

Whiiiine. I know it's terrible. I am going to stop right now.

In other news, I have a genetic screening test tomorrow. It is kind of an interesting position to be in. RC and I started to discuss what would happen if Q had some sort of abnormality. It's not something that you think about while you're in the happy "Wow. We're pregnant!" stage. People just assume that if they are healthy and treat their bodies right that their baby will be born like them. I don't know if we have decided what would be the end result if something came back that there was something wrong. One thing that I am discovering as we go through this is how much RC and I really do agree on many fundamental things. It started when we were getting ready to get married as we discussed our finances. It continued when we remodeled our apartment. And now that we are here, the process continues. I am really grateful for that I found a partner in life that I don't have to argue with about the big stuff. The little stuff we still argue about all the time. =0) But hey, that's marriage.

BTW - the reason that I call the baby Q is because both RC and I have very curly hair. Since the moment that we got engaged, people have told us that our baby is going to definitely have very curly hair. In fact, on our first date, we talked about kids and he said that he wants to have one biological kid - just to see what all that hair would look like on a kid. I also wanted only one biological kid and I always pictured them with ferociously curly hair. (We agree on the big stuff.) Personally, I think we have jinxed the probability of the kid having curly hair at this point but thought I'd call it Q anyway. RC calls it Curly. (But we disagree on the little stuff.)


  1. hehehe thanks for the explanation on q!! i hope the morning sickness subsides shortly!!

  2. OMG! I *so* called it in my comment on the previous post. Go me! :D

  3. Ranj, I felt sick for the first half of both of my pregnancies. The same as you - no puking, just feeling nauseous all the time. I was also expecting to feel better after the first trimester, but no luck. Just so you are not too dissapointed if you don't feel better soon.
