
Gender Bender

Week: 14 (maybe 15)
Weight: 117
Belly: 32"
Next appointment: February 13

As many of you know, RC's sister has four sons (Rotis 1-4). The eldest is 8.5 and recently lamented to his mom that he reeeeeeeeeeeally wants me to have a girl. He was asking if there was anyway to ensure that. I thought that was really cute. I could totally see him watching out for her when she got older and starting to date. I guess if she was 16 - he would be 24! Wow. It's hard to imagine him as a 24 y/o. Anyway, RC really wants to wait until the *magic moment* to find out the gender of the baby. I was not so sure but I think as I think about it more, I am more open to the idea. My friends who are planning the baby shower and of course the two moms are chomping at the bit to find out the gender of the kid. I feel a little bad for them because I know how frustrating it was for me when my friends were having kids and I didn't know but I guess it is my turn!

What has been kind of fun is hearing all the different predictions that people have for the gender of the child based on randomness. So far, I have heard that I am having a boy because I haven't really gained any weight in my face (or I just naturally don't gain weight easily). I am pretty moody so I must be having a girl (or I am just normally irritable). There are so many more it is amusing. Personally,I don't really care but I think it's a boy. I know, I know - everyone (with the exception of Mom) is hoping for a girl since all we have are boys in the family but it's just what I have been feeling. Then again, many parents did the same thing and ended up with the opposite. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until July to find out!

My only fear of not finding out is that there is a small chance that I might have to go under general anesthesia to have the kid (because I might not be able to have an epidural). RC would not be allowed in the room either which means that the baby would be coming in to this world with no one to greet him or her. And I wouldn't even know if I had a boy or a girl until I woke up! RC would have to wait to find out until someone came and told him that a) I was fine and b) what sex his baby is. And that just wouldn't be cool. But I guess we'll cross that bridge. . .later.

In other weird baby news - my kid is bigger than a lemon and can now pee inside of me. Awesome.


  1. im totally for waiting until that moment to find out the sex! i feel its something that can truly stay a surprise the entire time. well either way, glad to hear everythign is progressing normally, peeing inside of you, thats fabulous! hehehee:)

  2. im totally for waiting until that moment to find out the sex! i feel its something that can truly stay a surprise the entire time. well either way, glad to hear everythign is progressing normally, peeing inside of you, thats fabulous! hehehee:)
