Tonight we had parent-teacher conferences at school. I met with about 19 students' parents. I always enjoy meeting the parents because it gives me such a back-story about their lives. I have heard horror stories of parents coming in drunk or coming in and screaming at the teachers. Fortunately, that has never happened to me and the few times that they have come in upset, they usually walk out understanding where I am coming from. I do get frustrated by parents that say, "I just don't know what to do with ____." I know I will probably eat these words later but to me, if you're a parent - you have to lay the law down. My friend whose baby is only 7 months old, disciplines her child now. I think that's awesome. I grew up in a very strict household and while I do think that my parents were a little harsh with their rules sometimes (no more than 10 minutes on the phone a night - remember that, J?), I also think that if I didn't have that discipline, I probably wouldn't be where I am now. Some of these parents just let their kids make all the decisions and get frustrated with them when they don't make the right ones. Ummmm, they are 15! Of course they would rather hang out with their friends than do their homwork. They are going to sit online all night before they study for their test. Ok, not all kids need their parents guidance. But it is the kids whose parents are guiding them gently that are the ones making the good decisions. I know. I am going to end up with some hellacious child that never listens to me and all parents everywhere will point and tell me what a bad parent I am.
Speaking of the pregnancy . . . update time.
Week: 18
Weight: 118
Belly: no measurement but I feel LARGE
Next appointment: March 3
Great news! I feel GREAT! I almost don't even feel pregnant anymore. I am still tired and have the appetite of my young, male students but I don't feel sick all the time. The headaches have subsided. For the most part, the round ligament pain is gone also. So THIS is what second trimester is supposed to feel like!
Oscar Party Summary Part 2
Every year at the Oscars, there is a red carpet show. Our party is no different. We have our red carpet entrance filled with papparazzi and everything. We don't have live interviews but we do admire each other's clothing, jewelry and props. Of course, our clothing is also not designer. We all show up dressed in costume based on a character from any movie release the year before.
And every year during the show, rr painstakingly compiles the photos from that year and often from years before and puts together a slide show, or a power point presentation. Because of her experience with imovie and our new year's show, she decided to do it imovie style. We recently got an appletv and hooked it up to our fiddy so we were able to stream the imovie directly to the audience. here's what what seen...enjoy.
Don't worry winners will be announced soon.
And every year during the show, rr painstakingly compiles the photos from that year and often from years before and puts together a slide show, or a power point presentation. Because of her experience with imovie and our new year's show, she decided to do it imovie style. We recently got an appletv and hooked it up to our fiddy so we were able to stream the imovie directly to the audience. here's what what seen...enjoy.
Don't worry winners will be announced soon.
r2 5th annual oscar party summary part. 1

This year's Oscar party was a first for many and the 5th for most. Everybody shared in the glory of the new fiddy inch on the wall. The actual awards were good though this year, more than any other, everybody had seen even fewer movies. Perhaps, it was because the number of blockbusters nominated was so low and perhaps it was because most of the movies nominated were dark flicks. Jon Stewart was good but not great. His novelty has lost it's charm as a host for the Oscars - despite the obvious wii and iphone plugs. He should stick to his day job.
Our weighted ballot is included in this link. The customization of the ballot - in detail - is designed to give more weight for choosing the more difficult to pick winners as well as some of the more important categories.
It used to take forever to get it done but with a .pdf writer it has become a cinch and truly a replica of the version (except for the fine print).
It was sent out along with the invite and normally, i've got lots of copies floating around. This year however, i neglected to make copies and once everyone was over, i couldn't figure out if our printer was plugged in or where the driver went. ah well.
We had to free hand it...
red carpets arrivals
Don't want to speak to soon
Wow. Maybe I'm over the hump . . .TODAY WAS AWESOME. I woke up not feeling sick. I ate some spiiiiicy pau bhaji for brunch with no reflux. I had the energy to tidy up our place and do laundry.
Yes!!! (I have also managed to procrastinate grading some essays that I've been putting off for a while too.)

My friends who are scattered throughout the US have been asking to see my "bump". Since I am feeling so good, I'm going to flaunt this today.
I also recently found out that I'll be heading to ATL for the first week of May for a reading conference. I am very excited since two of my friends from work will also be going on the same trip. AND I get to see Rohit's cousins who live there. I have been trying to convince RC to join me during the first weekend so that we can all hang out together but he is still undecided.
And tomorrow is the Oscars! Yay. I am in a totally different mood than I have been over the past few weeks. I'm not going to get too excited yet but this is so great.
Is it over yet?
Week: 17
Weight: 118
Belly: 33"
Next appointment: March 3 (20 week ultrasound AND a Hem/Onc appointment)
Ok - NOT the pregancy. I get that that is going to go on for a while but this ickiness needs to just go! I had another dizzy spell on Tuesday. I was teaching my first hour class and the room just started to spin. I dizzily doled out a group assignment quickly and I could see in their eyes that they could see behind mine. I ran out of the room with a trash can and charged into the faculty lounge (thankfully, across the hall). Another teacher helped me out and watched my class as I tried (fortunately successfully) to keep my breakfast down. I was sweating like crazy and I know that all the blood was out of my face. But I couldn't just leave my kids so I headed back there. When I came back, they were so sweet and concerned. Then I had two students that were asking, "Ms. R - Mario wants to ask you something." "No, you ask!" "No YOU ask!!" "Well, we don't want you get upset." "It's kind of personal." "We don't want you get offended . . ." They danced around it for a while and then finally, "Are you pregnant??" When I said yes the whole class erupted in cheers. It was really cute. I started to feel better. Now, they ask me how I am feeling every day. Cuties.
I had another doctor's appointment last week. Nothing spectacular - not even an ultrasound. We heard the baby's heartbeat on a Doppler. That was pretty cool. I have been having some abdominal pain but of course, the doctor explained that it was normal and all was well. I had two vials of blood drawn for some labs. My high-risk OB wants to monitor my thyroid as well as my platelets plus I had the second component of the genetic screening to finish. I am very nervous about those results and I am trying not to think about it too much. She also told me that I need to get back in touch with my Hematologist. I left a message with the Hem/Onc's office yesterday and within 45 minutes I got a call back from the doctor! Amazing. She told me that I need to come see her in the next few weeks so I guess it's more blood draws for me!
This past weekend we were in Ohio to visit Mom. It was a nice relaxing trip even though I spent most of it on the couch (ya, sick again). We went maternity clothes shopping and she was nice enough to buy me three new shirts! I am getting so tired of wearing the same old things. A plea to all the readers: if you have any old maternity stuff and you think it might fit me, please shoot me an email because I would love to borrow, rent, or maybe even purchase it. I don't plan on getting pregnant ever again so buying new maternity stuff seems like a waste. And why can't I buy stuff that is a few sizes too large? Because of my weird proportions, my waist is too long and regular clothing is cut too short: you can still see my tummy if I wear it. Maternity stuff seems to be the only thing covering it all. I have also moved all of my super-fitted clothing out of my closet because it was making me frustrated that I couldn't wear them anymore. All in due time I guess.
Weight: 118
Belly: 33"
Next appointment: March 3 (20 week ultrasound AND a Hem/Onc appointment)
Ok - NOT the pregancy. I get that that is going to go on for a while but this ickiness needs to just go! I had another dizzy spell on Tuesday. I was teaching my first hour class and the room just started to spin. I dizzily doled out a group assignment quickly and I could see in their eyes that they could see behind mine. I ran out of the room with a trash can and charged into the faculty lounge (thankfully, across the hall). Another teacher helped me out and watched my class as I tried (fortunately successfully) to keep my breakfast down. I was sweating like crazy and I know that all the blood was out of my face. But I couldn't just leave my kids so I headed back there. When I came back, they were so sweet and concerned. Then I had two students that were asking, "Ms. R - Mario wants to ask you something." "No, you ask!" "No YOU ask!!" "Well, we don't want you get upset." "It's kind of personal." "We don't want you get offended . . ." They danced around it for a while and then finally, "Are you pregnant??" When I said yes the whole class erupted in cheers. It was really cute. I started to feel better. Now, they ask me how I am feeling every day. Cuties.
I had another doctor's appointment last week. Nothing spectacular - not even an ultrasound. We heard the baby's heartbeat on a Doppler. That was pretty cool. I have been having some abdominal pain but of course, the doctor explained that it was normal and all was well. I had two vials of blood drawn for some labs. My high-risk OB wants to monitor my thyroid as well as my platelets plus I had the second component of the genetic screening to finish. I am very nervous about those results and I am trying not to think about it too much. She also told me that I need to get back in touch with my Hematologist. I left a message with the Hem/Onc's office yesterday and within 45 minutes I got a call back from the doctor! Amazing. She told me that I need to come see her in the next few weeks so I guess it's more blood draws for me!
This past weekend we were in Ohio to visit Mom. It was a nice relaxing trip even though I spent most of it on the couch (ya, sick again). We went maternity clothes shopping and she was nice enough to buy me three new shirts! I am getting so tired of wearing the same old things. A plea to all the readers: if you have any old maternity stuff and you think it might fit me, please shoot me an email because I would love to borrow, rent, or maybe even purchase it. I don't plan on getting pregnant ever again so buying new maternity stuff seems like a waste. And why can't I buy stuff that is a few sizes too large? Because of my weird proportions, my waist is too long and regular clothing is cut too short: you can still see my tummy if I wear it. Maternity stuff seems to be the only thing covering it all. I have also moved all of my super-fitted clothing out of my closet because it was making me frustrated that I couldn't wear them anymore. All in due time I guess.
Oscar Countdown
Everybody needs to get their costumes ready b/c the 5th Annual R*2 Oscar Party is this Sunday. The weighted ballots are out and people are busy coming up with costume ideas. We'll have a weighted ballot posted here shortly and everybody can play online.
This year, we'll have a new feature in that we'll have live blogging during our red carpet entrances and through the ceremony including the awarding of a the golden oscar statue for the winner of best costume of a character from 2007's movies.
Stay tuned....
This year, we'll have a new feature in that we'll have live blogging during our red carpet entrances and through the ceremony including the awarding of a the golden oscar statue for the winner of best costume of a character from 2007's movies.
Stay tuned....
Lincoln's Birthday

So working for the county is definitely nice in February. I get both Lincoln's birthday and President's day off. This past tuesday, Edgar and I decided to spend the day snow shoeing in Kettle Moraine state forest in Wisco. Well, Abe must have been mad at us for leaving the Illl b/c we spent 3 hours getting up there fighting traffic and snow, and 4 hours getting back fighting even more traffic and snow.
While up there, we snow shoed through some beautiful, silent, dense, snow-filled, forest. It was great. I took a bunch of pics whilst there and Edgar was patient as i took my gloves off and stopped the progression each time i saw something neat. To the right is some treatment in lightroom.
Oh yeah, after hiking for almost 4 hours we came back and the hebrew national was stuck in the ditch/shoulder on the side of the trailhead and it took us an hour to get out! 100% worth it.
... More pics to be posted later on flickr.
The Name Game
Week: 15 (maybe 16)
Weight: 116 (lost another pound!)
Belly: 32"
Next appointment: February 13
This week was another rough one. On Wednesday, I almost passed out during my 5th hour class. The rest of the day was spent spinning. I fell asleep at 5:30 pm, woke up at 11 and ate a potato, woke up at 1 and ate a kiwi, woke up at 5:30 and almost fell down as I was getting ready for work. I called in and slept until 9 and got sick. I slept again until 10 am and spent the rest of the day trying not to fall over or get sick. I called my doctor and she didn't call me back until 3:30! I know they are very busy but it would have been great to at least hear from the nurse. She said it was normal for women to feel dizzy during pregnancy and that they would check it out at my next appointment. It seems like any weird medical issue can be explained by the pregnancy. "Arm fell off? O, that's because you're pregnant."
In other news, I decided that now would be a good time to start thinking about names. Here is the list that we have come up with so far. Let us know what you think.
Boy Names
Keshav (curly - Krishna)
Madhav (Krishna)
Udaya (sunrise)
Girl Names
Alka (lock of curly hair)
Satyavati (speaks the truth)
Savita (sun)
Saroj (lotus)
Revathi (star sign - wealth/prosperity)
Tara (star)
Suparna (lotus)
Weight: 116 (lost another pound!)
Belly: 32"
Next appointment: February 13
This week was another rough one. On Wednesday, I almost passed out during my 5th hour class. The rest of the day was spent spinning. I fell asleep at 5:30 pm, woke up at 11 and ate a potato, woke up at 1 and ate a kiwi, woke up at 5:30 and almost fell down as I was getting ready for work. I called in and slept until 9 and got sick. I slept again until 10 am and spent the rest of the day trying not to fall over or get sick. I called my doctor and she didn't call me back until 3:30! I know they are very busy but it would have been great to at least hear from the nurse. She said it was normal for women to feel dizzy during pregnancy and that they would check it out at my next appointment. It seems like any weird medical issue can be explained by the pregnancy. "Arm fell off? O, that's because you're pregnant."
In other news, I decided that now would be a good time to start thinking about names. Here is the list that we have come up with so far. Let us know what you think.
Boy Names
Keshav (curly - Krishna)
Madhav (Krishna)
Udaya (sunrise)
Girl Names
Alka (lock of curly hair)
Satyavati (speaks the truth)
Savita (sun)
Saroj (lotus)
Revathi (star sign - wealth/prosperity)
Tara (star)
Suparna (lotus)
3a PB&J
So you've all been reading the past few posts about how RR has been feeling recently. I'm not doing any of the gestating nor is my body changing for reasons out of my control but in my perspective, I think RR is starting to feel better. If not actually feeling better, she is better able to cope with things. The first 14 weeks or so have been pretty miserable for her starting with nausea, not having her clothes fit, some nausea, fatigue and finally rounding it out with some more nausea. Most of all of those feelings still exist but I can see a change in her energy level and her ability to cope with the afore-mentioned symptoms.
A lot of folks have been asking about any cravings that RR might be having and I must say she has gone through a few but nothing at all out of the ordinary or outlandish. So far, RR has wanted pistachio ice cream from B&R, lots of fruit, sushi, and a few hamburgers. Not too bad.
One thing I have noticed is that she's starting to eat like a 14 yo. She eats several small meals a day now. She wakes up and needs to scarf down something before she can even brush her teeth. For instance superbowl sunday, we had some friends staying with us and she woke up and had two frozen waffles 2 hours before anyone else ate as we were all full from the night before. More telling, is that she woke up at 3a this morning for a PB&J - which i'm happy to say she made by herself! (Told you she must be feeling better).

This past Sunday, Roti 1 had another gymnastics meet in Arlington, Hts. Because we had some folks over and i had to get chili started i got to the meet towards the end. The last meet i went to went on for a long long time so i figured i'd be fine. Unfortunately, I was only able to take in one event - the high bar. Roti 1 did fabulously and ended up with 2d place over all standing contributing to his team's overall 1st place finish.
Another great part of the meet was that a lot of Didi's friends and their kids came out to support him. All-in-all, Roti 1 had 13 folks come out to cheer him on. It was really special.
To the right is Roti 1 chaulking up before the high bar.
A lot of folks have been asking about any cravings that RR might be having and I must say she has gone through a few but nothing at all out of the ordinary or outlandish. So far, RR has wanted pistachio ice cream from B&R, lots of fruit, sushi, and a few hamburgers. Not too bad.
One thing I have noticed is that she's starting to eat like a 14 yo. She eats several small meals a day now. She wakes up and needs to scarf down something before she can even brush her teeth. For instance superbowl sunday, we had some friends staying with us and she woke up and had two frozen waffles 2 hours before anyone else ate as we were all full from the night before. More telling, is that she woke up at 3a this morning for a PB&J - which i'm happy to say she made by herself! (Told you she must be feeling better).

This past Sunday, Roti 1 had another gymnastics meet in Arlington, Hts. Because we had some folks over and i had to get chili started i got to the meet towards the end. The last meet i went to went on for a long long time so i figured i'd be fine. Unfortunately, I was only able to take in one event - the high bar. Roti 1 did fabulously and ended up with 2d place over all standing contributing to his team's overall 1st place finish.
Another great part of the meet was that a lot of Didi's friends and their kids came out to support him. All-in-all, Roti 1 had 13 folks come out to cheer him on. It was really special.
To the right is Roti 1 chaulking up before the high bar.
Gender Bender
Week: 14 (maybe 15)
Weight: 117
Belly: 32"
Next appointment: February 13
As many of you know, RC's sister has four sons (Rotis 1-4). The eldest is 8.5 and recently lamented to his mom that he reeeeeeeeeeeally wants me to have a girl. He was asking if there was anyway to ensure that. I thought that was really cute. I could totally see him watching out for her when she got older and starting to date. I guess if she was 16 - he would be 24! Wow. It's hard to imagine him as a 24 y/o. Anyway, RC really wants to wait until the *magic moment* to find out the gender of the baby. I was not so sure but I think as I think about it more, I am more open to the idea. My friends who are planning the baby shower and of course the two moms are chomping at the bit to find out the gender of the kid. I feel a little bad for them because I know how frustrating it was for me when my friends were having kids and I didn't know but I guess it is my turn!
What has been kind of fun is hearing all the different predictions that people have for the gender of the child based on randomness. So far, I have heard that I am having a boy because I haven't really gained any weight in my face (or I just naturally don't gain weight easily). I am pretty moody so I must be having a girl (or I am just normally irritable). There are so many more it is amusing. Personally,I don't really care but I think it's a boy. I know, I know - everyone (with the exception of Mom) is hoping for a girl since all we have are boys in the family but it's just what I have been feeling. Then again, many parents did the same thing and ended up with the opposite. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until July to find out!
My only fear of not finding out is that there is a small chance that I might have to go under general anesthesia to have the kid (because I might not be able to have an epidural). RC would not be allowed in the room either which means that the baby would be coming in to this world with no one to greet him or her. And I wouldn't even know if I had a boy or a girl until I woke up! RC would have to wait to find out until someone came and told him that a) I was fine and b) what sex his baby is. And that just wouldn't be cool. But I guess we'll cross that bridge. . .later.
In other weird baby news - my kid is bigger than a lemon and can now pee inside of me. Awesome.
Weight: 117
Belly: 32"
Next appointment: February 13
As many of you know, RC's sister has four sons (Rotis 1-4). The eldest is 8.5 and recently lamented to his mom that he reeeeeeeeeeeally wants me to have a girl. He was asking if there was anyway to ensure that. I thought that was really cute. I could totally see him watching out for her when she got older and starting to date. I guess if she was 16 - he would be 24! Wow. It's hard to imagine him as a 24 y/o. Anyway, RC really wants to wait until the *magic moment* to find out the gender of the baby. I was not so sure but I think as I think about it more, I am more open to the idea. My friends who are planning the baby shower and of course the two moms are chomping at the bit to find out the gender of the kid. I feel a little bad for them because I know how frustrating it was for me when my friends were having kids and I didn't know but I guess it is my turn!
What has been kind of fun is hearing all the different predictions that people have for the gender of the child based on randomness. So far, I have heard that I am having a boy because I haven't really gained any weight in my face (or I just naturally don't gain weight easily). I am pretty moody so I must be having a girl (or I am just normally irritable). There are so many more it is amusing. Personally,I don't really care but I think it's a boy. I know, I know - everyone (with the exception of Mom) is hoping for a girl since all we have are boys in the family but it's just what I have been feeling. Then again, many parents did the same thing and ended up with the opposite. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until July to find out!
My only fear of not finding out is that there is a small chance that I might have to go under general anesthesia to have the kid (because I might not be able to have an epidural). RC would not be allowed in the room either which means that the baby would be coming in to this world with no one to greet him or her. And I wouldn't even know if I had a boy or a girl until I woke up! RC would have to wait to find out until someone came and told him that a) I was fine and b) what sex his baby is. And that just wouldn't be cool. But I guess we'll cross that bridge. . .later.
In other weird baby news - my kid is bigger than a lemon and can now pee inside of me. Awesome.
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