In the efforts to continue with the "Get Health Challenge" doing, I have tried to cut out my high fructose corn syrup in take. Easier said than done. I was going a week strong but then yesterday hit me. On Monday, I got to work at 6 am and didn't leave work until 8:30 pm. By the time I came home and hit bed it was well after 10. The 4:30 wake-up call hit me like a ton of bricks on Tuesday. All day long I was dragging and dragging. During 4th hour, I decided that I was just going to break down and buy a Coke because othewise I might just fall asleep while talking about the Executive branch with my 5th hour class. And I say break down because the mental decision to drink this Coke was weighing heavily on my conscience.
I went to the cafeteria during lunch and walked to the Union vending machines. If you don't buy from those, members give you dirty looks. Not really, but kinda. The machine was not taking my dollar

. Despite my whimpering and pleading, it was not having it. I walked over to the cafeteria line to pull one of the cooler - only DC and CokeZero. BLEH. I walked all the way to the gym where the student vending machines were but there was some crazy error message. Have you ever seen a vending machine with an error message? I thought the student cafeteria surely had some. I braved the rough and tumble lines shoving students out of the way to get to my HFCS. But once again, no - only the DC and Zero. I was starting feel like a fiend looking for a fix. I stormed through the kitchen and got some change from the lunch lady and headed back to the Union machines. When I fed the quarters, I was so jittery that I accidently hit the "Coin Return" button and had to do it all over again. When my sweet 20 ounces of nectar finally dropped, I snatched it so fast I bruised my hand. I started to walk away but wait! I heard a second thud-thud-THUD! Another 20 ounces all for me! Someone appreciated all my hardwork.
hahah, im glad the heavens smiled on your misfortunes and rewarded you in the end:)