I left my apartment on July 13 at 4 in the afternoon. I got back on August 6 at 7 pm. In those 25 days away, I visited:
1. Cleveland
2. Columbus
3. Oxford (1 night)
4. Cincinnati (airport)
5. Minneapolis (airport)
6. Tokyo twice (airport)
7. Beijing
8. Xi'an
9. Chongqing
10. Feng Du
11. Yi Chang
12. Wuhan (aiport)
13. Huangzhou
14. Huangshan
15. Shanghai
16. Detriot
17. Naperville (just a visit)
18. Aurora
(unless otherwise indicated, I spent at least two nights at each place).
I am a restless individual but even I am just so happy to be back here blogging at my own computer.
wow, that was defly a jampacked 25 days!! where are you pix??? :)