"Life moves pretty fast.
If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Ah, Ferris. The wisdom that you had at such a young age. I wish I could heed your advice these days but with all that life brings, I want to savor it all! Birthdays, brunches, dinners, and drinks - rLife has been full these past few weeks.
All the while, a little man has been doing a lot of growing. He's 15+ lbs now and 24 inches. Hard to believe at this time last year he was no bigger than a sesame seed. He had four more immunization shots and he was so sad. I think it was harder on me this time than the last. Probably because I had to go to work the next day and not know if he was doing alright. But he was. His Papa takes such good care of him. The next two weeks will continue to be busy but here's a video from last month. It is so amazing how he changes so quickly.
Ah, Ferris. The wisdom that you had at such a young age. I wish I could heed your advice these days but with all that life brings, I want to savor it all! Birthdays, brunches, dinners, and drinks - rLife has been full these past few weeks.
All the while, a little man has been doing a lot of growing. He's 15+ lbs now and 24 inches. Hard to believe at this time last year he was no bigger than a sesame seed. He had four more immunization shots and he was so sad. I think it was harder on me this time than the last. Probably because I had to go to work the next day and not know if he was doing alright. But he was. His Papa takes such good care of him. The next two weeks will continue to be busy but here's a video from last month. It is so amazing how he changes so quickly.
I am going to try to knit him a hat for his bald little noggin. And we're trying to get rid of the swaddle at night. I think we are in for some long nights ahead. Fortunately, I am getting used to making it on very litte sleep.
3 months
Rishi has been so busy in the past few weeks that we've been having a hard time keeping up with him! He took his first long car trip (to visit Mom in OH) and then to NYC to surprise his Jishamma. He was a perfect little Banzo Bean throughout the whole trip. He and I watched the election returns come in together. It is amazing to know that he will never know a time that a President had to be Caucasian. His new tricks include rolling over (he only did it a few times on one night but we're hoping that he keeps going), grabbing for things (especially his toes) and laughing. We're going to go see Dr. H on Tuesday for some more shots but I am sure he'll be a brave little soldier just like last time. =)
Here's a video from his 3 month birthday.
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